Steps to Create A Super Secure Password To Defeat Hackers

Step 1: Setup A Longer Password

Make sure to create password that's no shorter than 15 Characters

Step 2: Don’t Use Dictionary Words.

Don't use password with common words. Those are easily cracked by cracking softwares. Examples: '123456', 'password123', etc

Step 3: Mix it up!

If you want to create a strong password then mix it up. 
Example: hackerzhome => H@cK€rZh0M3

Step 4: Don’t Use Same Passwords For Different Accounts

Many of the people use the same password for every account such as google, facebook, instagram etc. Never use the same password for everything rather than change ATLeast few characters

Step 5: Using Two-Factor Authentication

Use two step authentication for everything you use inorder to defend from hackers.

That's it, you are done. Do these simple stuffs to prevent from hackers.

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